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The 960h lenses in this series contain zoom lenses with DC
diaphragm control. They are compact, rugged and in the 1 / 3-inch format. The lens range from wide angle to long focus, covering almost all applications in CCTV monitoring system. Thanks to 960h resolution, contrast reproduction and coating, this series of lenses can provide first-class optical quality. System overview higher resolution sensors, with smaller pixel sizes, allow high-resolution mirror hair to reach its full potential. The lenses in this series are specially designed for Bosch 960h dinion cameras. To get the maximum resolution from a 960h camera, you need to select a lens that matches the sensor resolution not only at the center, but also at the edges and at different aperture apertures. MTF specification is an index to measure the resolution, contrast and clarity of a lens. Lens resolution is usually measured in pairs per millimeter (LP / mm). The MTF of each lens provides the maximum resolution of a particular scene from the perspective of LP / mm. The lvf-4000c and lvf-5000c series have excellent daytime resolution. The lvf-5000c series is best suited for wide dynamic range (WDR) cameras and cameras for capturing more detail at night. LTC 3664 / 31 lens with f1.0 aperture provides excellent performance in low light conditions. The measured MTF specifications represent only one aspect of lens quality. Special antireflective coatings for glare reduction, better chromatic aberration and lower distortion also contribute to the adaptation of the series of lenses to different cameras. Basic function DC diaphragm control for automatic aperture control, all lenses use a standard four pin EIAJ connector, which can be directly connected to the aperture output of the camera. A wide range of lenses means that installers can always choose the most suitable lens for the camera and application. To optimize the field of view in the field, manual zoom lens is the most common and practical solution. These lenses basically allow any viewing angle to be set to maximize the monitoring effect. The installation personnel do not need to carry a variety of lenses with different focal length, which can be installed efficiently, because the installation personnel do not need to move the camera position to determine the correct angle of view. If the field of view requirement changes after installation, it can be modified by changing the focal length setting of the lens. Infrared correction all lenses in the series have been infrared corrected to meet the wide range of lighting conditions covered by the camera. When used with an infrared projector, the infrared correction lens can provide fully adjustable and clear focusing images during the day and at night. This makes the infrared lens the best choice for high-performance day / night cameras. Robust design of mechanical structure, after special design, can withstand frequent diaphragm control operation and security equipment installation process of external stress. For flexible and reliable high quality lenses that meet the performance of 960h cameras, this series is the ideal solution.
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