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LBB 3542 / 00 & lbb3542 / 20 delegate / Chairman voting panel with LCD display
LBB 3542 / 00 & lbb3542 / 20 delegate / Chairman voting panel with LCD display
LBB 3542 / 00 & lbb3542 / 20 delegate / Chairman voting panel with LCD displ
2 line, 40 character LCD display
Display conference information, messages, etc
Comprehensive voting control function
Led voting confirmation indicator
LBB 3542 / 20 has all functions of lbb3542 / 00 and lcdcyrillic letter display function
In addition to the voting control function, the embedded panel also has the display function of 2 lines and 40 characters. It can be embedded in the table and connected to the multifunction connector lbb3540 / 00.
The LCD screen enables delegates to see information related to the meeting, general instructions, text messages, etc.
Controls and indicators
2-line, 40 character LCD display, typical display data input:
-Description of soft touch key
-Multilingual user instructions
-Spokesman's information
-Information requested
-Voting results
-Public and personal data
-Additional user information
Five soft touch keys with LED indicator (used with LCD screen, l soft touch key can provide users with information, information related to conference, microphone users, etc. Depending on the software used, the five soft touch keys provide the following functions:
When used for the chairman:
-Yes, no, abstain key (parliamentary vote) with confirmation indicator (yellow LED).
-Clear all request keys and delete all requests to speak.
-Start, stop, interrupt key and indicator (yellow LED) control the voting process.
-Message key to display the last message stored in the built-in display.
When used for a representative:
-Next, yes, no, abstain.
-Numbers: 1 to 5 (multiple choice or consultation voting).
-Grade evaluation: + +, +, 0, -- - (audience reaction voting).
Two meter long flat cables are connected to each other, and the terminal is connected with 20 core plug, which is used to connect LBB 3540 / 00 multifunction connector.
Sales telephone (same number of wechat): 13428785305 QQ: 2461903042