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DCN  ̄ SWSI simultaneous interpretation software module is
an important part of international conference venues. The simultaneous interpretation software module is used to prepare simultaneous interpretation, control facilities and monitor the interpreter's activities during the conference. It can support 31 interpreter workshops, and each workshop can accommodate up to 6 interpreter desks. Basic function configuration application in the configuration application, the operator can define the maximum number of system channels to be used for simultaneous interpretation. The operator can prepare simultaneous interpretation settings for each meeting. These settings include the following: number of simultaneous interpretation channels, language channel name, interpreter microphone interlock mode, enable / disable slow down request, and venue language allocation. Icons representing the interpreter desk and workshop can be placed in the general layout to display control and status information. The operator application operator can view simultaneous interpretation status in two ways. One is to use simultaneous interpretation to assign status lists. This list is an overview of all simultaneous interpretation languages, including the following items: channel number, translation workshop and workbench number, and channel quality. The operator can also use an overview layout that provides icons for the interpreter's desk and workshop. The operator can control the microphone and microphone sensitivity of the interpreter station through the general layout. Order information DCN  ̄ SWSI conference software simultaneous interpretation module new generation DCN network conference system software simultaneous interpretation module. Help prepare simultaneous interpretation facilities and monitor interpreter activities during the meeting. To be used with dcnsw. Order number dcn-swsi software accessories DCN  ̄ SWSI conference software simultaneous interpretation module, electronic code new generation of DCN network conference system software simultaneous interpretation module. Help prepare simultaneous interpretation facilities and monitor interpreter activities during the meeting. To be used with dcnsw. Electronic code. Order No. dcn-swsi-e
Sales telephone (same number of wechat): 13428785305 QQ: 2461903042