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BOSCH BOSCH BOSCH lbb4171/00-e microphone management software module (NG), electronic password
Product Numbers:BB4171/00-E
Product introduction:BOSCH BOSCH BOSCH lbb4171/00-e microphone management software module (NG), electronic password
The software module takes microphone control away from the traditional control panel and key control method and replaces it with extremely user-friendly screen display to manage the microphone state. The user can create a representation of each feed device in the venue and then control the microphone status of the representative through these drawings. By using different ICONS and colors, users can see the status of all attendees at a glance. This results in a highly visual "button" meeting control tool. The microphone control module consists of two operating modes: layout mode and control mode. In the basic function layout mode, the user can create a graphical layout of the feed device in the venue environment. The layout of abstract is the plan of the meeting place. The layout pattern contains specialized tools for creating this diagram. The user can use the icon representing the feed device to build the layout. Each feed equipment item (representative, chairman, podium microphone, clip-on microphone, etc.) has its own icon. Users can use a few viewing options to reduce the size of the icon to handle a larger layout. The optional screen-display grid feature helps to use grid lines to better align ICONS. Seat Numbers can be automatically assigned to each layout element. Summary layout can be easily and quickly modified. The feed device can be moved by dragging an icon. When moving, removing, or adding elements in a layout, you can use standard Windows functions like cut and paste. The control mode layout mode is used to create a summary plan of the meeting place (for preparing the meeting), while the control mode is used to monitor the meeting. The summary layout generated in layout mode becomes the control panel in control mode. The icon in the layout becomes available and can be used as a status indicator or button to start the feed mount operation that the icon represents. The color of a particular icon corresponds to the actual microphone (speech request, activation, etc.) that the icon represents. You cannot move the cursor in control mode, but you can go back to layout mode to edit the layout. You can change the state of the microphone by clicking on the appropriate icon. The microphone control module provides the following control mode option: phone operators, controlled by a request list (manual), to represent control through a request list (open), covered by other represented at the receiver to control (first in first out)